The 2021 harvest represents a milestone for us. Many news and motivations have enriched this very special year! While on the one hand the season was not the best in terms of productivity due to the prolonged drought (so much so as to decrease the expected production by 20%), on the other hand thaks to the forces putted in place and the projects carried out, it was very rich! It is since this year that we have realized that we have to renew ourselves and that we have to focus in a constant and important way on our products and our work! We relied on an
internet site expert, Michele Cesaretti, who with skill and extreme competence has completely renewed our presence on the web. Now the site is professional and constantly evolving. The E-commerce part allows a simplified and extremely fluid purchase! We relied on an expert photographer and a friend, Cristian Sordini Photographer, who with art and wisdom gave value and luster to the various stages of the harvest.
An artist knows how to grasp the nuances that most do not always appear evident and manages to convey emotions, those same emotions that we find expressed in powerful and meaningful images!
An overview of the structure which is the beating heart of the winery Il Gheppio made us really proud. The
nature that surrounds us is full of beauty and life! Our vineyard is an inexhaustible source of glimpses and microcosms. We never expected an autumn with these colors and this power of emotions! Our faces, our steps, our work done with passion and art conquered over time by trial and error like the craftsmen of the past who experimented and improved little by little.
The result of our work: our bottles that cheer your tables and cheer your hearts!

Un artista sa cogliere delle sfumature che ai più non sempre appaiono evidenti e riesce a trasmettere emozioni quelle stesse emozioni che ritroviamo espresse in immagini potenti e cariche di significato!

Una panoramica della struttura che è il cuore pulsante della cantina il gheppio ci ha reso davvero orgogliosi. La natura che ci avvolge è carica di bellezza e di vita!

La nostra vigna è una fonte inesauribile di scorci e di microcosmi. Un autunno con questi colori e questa potenza di emozioni non ce lo saremmo mai aspettato!

I nostri volti, i nostri passi, il nostro lavoro fatto con passione e arte conquistata nel tempo per prove ed errori come gli artigiani di una volta che sperimentavano e miglioravano mano a mano.

Il frutto del nostro lavoro: le nostre bottiglie che allietano le vostre tavole e rallegrano i cuori!